My tips/rules for life on the Lap!
These are my top few tips(rules) from what I’ve learned over 12 years on the Lap of Anglia (& one L2P)
Never double dip. I don’t use it myself but I’ve seen some good people go bad.
Don’t assume the person in front knows the way. (this happens EVERY year. Don’t let it be you)
This is linked to point 2. If you’re at the front of your group and you aren’t sure of the way then let it be known. Cyclists in a group are like sheep. They’ll ignore their garmin beeping away ,or they just won’t hear it too busy chatting, and they’ll just follow the rider in front.
Again sort of linked to points 2 & 3. Don’t ever follow the support cars. Sometimes they're lost. Sometimes they’re going for a cheeky McDonalds or they’re just plain fed up of bloody cyclists. Again this does happen.
Ride your own ride. You are responsible for your safety. The person in front might not be accustomed to group riding and might stop without warning. Always let them know you are on their wheel but be prepared for random actions.
Road closed. There’s 435 miles of route. Some are planned, some not planned, some listed on the highways websites, some not so we don’t even try to check for closures. We usually encounter one road closed each year. It’s highly unlikely that it’s completely closed to pedestrians. Get off and walk round if you have to. In the unlikely event that you can’t get through then use the map function on your phone and work out the best solution.
If someone in your group has a puncture get out of the road. You already think I’m crazy writing this but I refer back to the 8 years of experience on the Lap……and the cyclists are like sheep statement. Everyone that’s stopping needs to move right off the road. You might think it’s a quiet country lane but there’s 60 more cyclists about to come whizzing along.
Linked to point 7 above. When at one of the rest stops please be considerate to the venue, the other patrons, and the other lappers about to arrive behind you and get out of the way. 10-15 cyclists all stopping in the entrance to a carpark is not only annoying for everyone it’s also dangerous if you’re between me and ice cream (salted caramel).
If you ride with four mile long valves because your rims are deeper than depths of depravity in Luton then you need to bring enough tubes. We stock 48mm and 60mm tubes as used by normal folk. Tubeless….what’s that all about
When you reach a rest stop it’s a good idea to park your bikes in your own groups. It’s dead annoying when you come back to your bike ready to set off and find that it’s now 5 deep behind later arriving groups.
Soon as you reach a rest stop fill up your bottles first.
If you get a puncture do it right first time. Don’t panic and rush it. Hopefully someone has stopped with you so you won’t be left riding alone…..if not then feel free to panic.
With the exception of unfortunate injury you will fail in your mind before body. Keep shoving the jelly babies in, keep hydrated and eating plenty of food at the stops and you will make it.
More than 4 punctures in a day and you buy the beers.
If you’ve experienced a ‘rare’ wet lap day then standing your bike in the shower and giving a quick spray down with the shower is a good idea. Gets rid of all the grit that can ruin brakes and chains. Using your room mates towel to dry it afterwards is frowned upon….so I’m told!
Take a wire hanger from home so you can hang your lap jersey in the window to dry/air over night.
If your shoes get wet try using the hair dryer in the room or the hand drier in the main hotel toilet to dry them out. Stuff with screwed up newspaper overnight if you have any.
Pineapple does belong on a pizza.
Smile, have fun and enjoy it.